进入到自由辩论环节,反方开始发动第一轮攻击。 as a heterosexual, do you think its acceptable if another man physically approaches you?(作为异性恋,难道你认为男人在身体上对你进行侵犯是可以接受的吗?) o approaan. this is an issue hts, not human behavior.(不可接受。同理,女人对男人进行侵犯也是不可接受的。今天讨论的是人权,而非行为。) 夏冉江据理还击。只是当他说出这段话时,内心深处不知被什么东西刺痛了一下,一时竟乱了思绪。 you mentioned ma examples of movements fighting fe. we thank you for your share of suowledge. but as you stated, sue in some developed tries, ues, germany, spairies accept gay marriage due thlevel eid cultural advas why we do feasible to legalize gay marriage in our try as well.(对方辩友刚才提到了众多近年来发生的同性婚姻平权运动,感谢您为我们普及了知识。正如您所说,这些平权运动更多地是在美国、德国、西班牙等发达国家发生,这些国家经济水平和文化水平较高,因此能够接受同性婚姻。但是我们认为,我们国家尚不到程度,不能像这些国家那样立法通过同性婚姻。) first of all, these ret examples are just some typies in history. sed, to legalize gay marriage or not has nothing to do with eid cultural factors. its all about peoples awareness of basi rights. even in a, we have gay a helps to defiure, evehousand years ago. to make aed cultural parisohe love and eveween a snake and huma and humaween a god and human, whats is actually the problem with the love between human and human?(首先,我所提到的案例仅仅是历史上比较典型的部分。其次,同性婚姻是否立法通过跟经济和文化因素无关,这取决于人们对基本人权的认识。即使在千百年前的中国,同性关系的故事也传为佳话,成为中国文化的一部分。退一万步来看,在我们的文化中我们欣赏人蛇恋,欣赏人鬼恋,欣赏人神恋,为什么不能接受人和人之间的爱情?) 许菁密切关注双方交锋,手里在纸上记着关键词。刚抬起头,正好碰见三名裁判听到这里微微点头,也在评分表上记着什么。 you are quite familiar with ese culture. but we see from ese culture that gay relationship is against the basi ta in the world follows yin and yang. yindoes not grow alohis is the same with humaween man ahe uation of humaiween man aM.zgXxh.oRG